Thursday, November 9, 2017

TEN Holiday Traditions

TEN Holiday Traditions

I absolutely love the holidays and all the CRAZY that comes with it! I wanted to share a few of our holiday traditions. I think it is important to have traditions to pass to your kids and they can possibly pass to their kids and so on. I love making memories as a family. The holiday season goes by so fast. I feel that having traditions as a family helps you slow down and enjoy it a little more.

1. Christmas Pajamas - I mean honestly who doesn't love a good pair of Christmas pajamas?!
We have always had the tradition of the kids getting to open one gift on Christmas Eve, which is their sweet little matching pajamas. I have decided to try something new this year. We are going to open Pajamas on December FIRST. My thinking behind this is, we can enjoy them all month long.

Christmas Eve Photos



Striped Christmas pajamas from Children’s place
Reindeer Christmas pajamas from Gymboree 

2. Christmas Eve Photo- I always love to take a photo of all 4 kids in their pajamas in front of the Christmas tree before bed. The excitement in a child's face on Christmas Eve is just something I Love.

3. Christmas Cookies- 3 days before Christmas we ALWAYS make sugar cookies as a family. Each year I like to try a new recipe. If you have a favorite please share. We spend the evening making cookies, listening to Christmas music, and decorating them. Its so fun to watch the kids be creative and add their own special touch to each one. We then choose 4 cookies, that's right I said FOUR cookies (one of each kids choice). To leave out for Santa on Christmas Eve. The rest of them we devour or share with friends and family.

4. Elf on The Shelf-  Yes we do this, and yes we LOVE it. We started this tradition in December 2013. WOW, I cant believe it has been that long. Not only is this fun for the kids, but My husband and I love to do it as well. It so fun coming up with a new idea everyday. Pinterest has amazing ideas as well. Our elf's name is Candy Cane and she is a girl. She comes to our house in the morning and is always in a new location, has a different task, deed, or exciting hello each day. She  stays the day at our house to keep an eye on their behavior. Then she reports back to Santa each night.  The kids absolutely love looking for her each day. Below are a few photos of her previous visits. I cant wait to see what she has planned for this year!!!
Elf on the Shelf from Target

5. Picture with Santa - We love to get the kids annual picture with Santa. Every year we have gone to the same place and love it. This year we have to try something new as we are in a new town with new Santa locations. We are excited to Meet Santa this year.

6. Gingerbread House- Our Elf brings a gingerbread each year and encourages us to put all things aside and have a family night. This is one of my favorites. We work as a team to make the best gingerbread house we can. Its so much fun and we usually have a ton of laughs and a GREAT big MESS to show for it. Each year the kids have become more creative.

7. Christmas Caroling- This might be one of my favorites. I love everything about going caroling. The Christmas songs, being all bundled up, hot chocolate, seeing your breath as you sing out loud. I mean honestly what is not to love?! Every year our Church goes on a hayride through town and carols. As with everything else I am interested to see how we do it this year. As we are in a new town and with a new church family
8. Christmas lights- Every year we choose a night to drive around as a family and look at Christmas lights. When we do this, we love to go get ice cream first. this may be weird to some HAHA. At our house we like ice cream when it is cold outside. Having an nice cold ice cream looking at the beautiful lights is Heaven. We all ooh and ahh over the lights and decide which is our favorites.

9. Christmas Movie Night - A nice night of relaxation with my family is the BEST! With our busy schedules and just life. We find it hard to ever just set down as a family and watch an entire movie. This nigh we choose a Christmas movie as a family. We try to make it a priority to set and watch the ENTIRE movie. We also do hot chocolate and popcorn because everyone needs a snack for the movie, Right?!
10. The Christmas Story- It is very important to me that my children know the true meaning behind Christmas. I love to read the Christmas story to them and discuss why we celebrate.  We as humans can often get lost in the business and chaos of the holidays that we forget what Christmas is truly about. I love the Christmas spirit and all the fun that comes with the holiday, but most importantly it is to celebrate the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ.

Shina <3

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